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Working together to keep our community safer

Medication Reviews Help Minimize Fall Risk

To request a medication review focused on falls prevention, complete the form at the bottom of this page. According to the CDC, each year 3 million older adults land in emergency rooms – around 20 per day in Green Bay – because of a fall. Typically about one in five falls result in serious injury. Medications can be a risk factor for falls and we can help you adjust and manage medications to reduce risk.

A partnership focused on falls prevention

Streu’s Pharmacy is pleased to partner with the Fall Prevention Alliance of Northeast Wisconsin to help keep older adults safe and injury-free. Often we think of falls prevention in terms of a home safety evaluation. We might look for trip hazards or other risk factors. But what about taking a closer look at the medications we put into our bodies each day?

We offer 30-minute Medication Review session with qualified participants. We’ll examine all of their medications and look for potential interactions. This helps identify risks and potential adverse effects, such as dizziness and other factors that contribute to falls. 

Medication reviews

We often see and help patients who juggle as many as 20 different medications, prescribed over several years and sometimes by different care providers. People may take many of the right things and at the right doses, but sometimes we find things that need adjusting. For instance: 

  • A medication that worked for a patient at a younger age may no longer provide the same benefit
  • Short-term medications unintentionally continued long-term
  • Inadvertently taking two medications that may have adverse interactions, such as dizziness, that increases fall risk

Our pharmacists specialize in medication management, which uniquely qualifies them to provide this valuable in-depth service. Following the review process, we work with your providers to ensure that any recommended adjustments are implemented safely, in full cooperation as a collaborative healthcare team. Complete the form below to sign up.

“Jeff and the team at Streu’s helped up make some small but positive tweaks and laid out a concrete plan that gives my mom the best chance at managing her conditions and minimizing her pain. To give her the best quality of life, every little bit we can do in a positive direction helps.

I highly recommend taking the time to do this medication consultation to anyone who takes multiple medications or cares for someone who does.”

Jim C.

What to expect and what to bring to your medication review

During your appointment, you will speak privately one-on-one with a pharmacist to discuss each and every one of your current medications. 

  • Complete the form at the bottom of this page to get started.
  • Bring all prescription and over-the-counter medications with you if possible, or at least a full list of all items. 
  • Bring any relevant recent lab results, such as blood pressure, cholesterol or blood sugar levels, if possible. 
  • While we hope participants leave with valuable health information and insights, there are also a limited number of $50 gifts to compensate initial participants in this pilot program for their time. 
doctor taking notes during a medication review

Please complete the form below to get started …

We will call you soon to schedule your appointment.